Scarecrow Patterns

Free Scarecrow Pattern Cards to help your kiddos practice making various patterns. Click here to get your free set.

3 Free Graphs

Use these "Favorite Graphs" in a group setting or individually. To use individually, give the graphs to your students and have them ask others to name their favorite items. This can be done within a classroom setting or at home by asking family members and friends. After their responses have been recorded, determine which category received the most and the fewest votes and how many voted for each category. Click here to get your 3 free graphs.

Free Scarecrow Lesson Plans

Free is good!  For the first time ever, I am giving away one of my thematic units/bundle of lessons.  Click here to get this free unit.


Celebrating the 100th day of school!

Although the first day of school hasn't started yet, here is an idea for down the road.  When my Kindergarten class celebrated the 100th day of school, I asked everyone to dress like they were 100 years old.  One of the girls wore rollers in her hair, one boy walked with a cane, another child wore glasses, etc.  I wore a gray wig, a buttoned down floral night gown, and rolled down knee stockings.  This gave a new meaning to "Old School."  Most of the other teachers thought I was a visitor.  We had a lot of fun!

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