Handwriting Practice

Encourage your children to practice their handwriting by giving them some creative alternatives. 

Write in flour


Write in shaving cream or use whip cream if your little ones still put their fingers in their mouths

Rice is also a great writing alternative.

Thematic Units

Whether you are teaching in a public or private school, in a preschool or daycare setting, or are homeschooling your Pre-K/Kindergarten children, I have developed lessons and activities that you can use every day for more than an entire school year.  My "Teaching with Thematic Units" series is broken up into the following 4 units, "Teaching with Thematic Units (Beginning of the School Year)," "Teaching with Fall Thematic Units," "Teaching with Winter Thematic Units," and "Teaching with Spring Thematic Units."  Together, the units total over 55 weeks of lessons!

Because I have taught Pre-K and Kindergarten in a variety of capacities (public school, private preschool, at-home preschool, and I am currently homeschooling my kiddos), I understand the importance of daily, hands-on, fun lessons that cover various subjects.  My "Teaching with Thematic Units" provide step-by-step instructions for Math, Language Arts, Science/Social Studies, and Art activities at very affordable prices. 

Pet Activities

Children often like animals whether it's watching them from a distance or owning a pet of their own.  Because of this, pet related lessons and activities are typically a big hit with kiddos. 

Paper Plate Turtle

Cat Patterns

Repurposing a Shoe Rack

Need a shelf for those classroom supplies or want to add some creativity to your Dramatic Play Center?  Below I have used an expandable shoe rack and baskets to hold items for my House Center.

It's Nursery Rhyme Time!

Have fun with these Nursery Rhyme activities! 

Make a Paper Mache Humpty Dumpty by dipping newspaper strips into a flour/water mixture, then covering an inflated balloon.  Attach arms, legs, and large google eyes to it after it has dried and hardened.

Count plums with Little Jack Horner by using an aluminum pie pan.

Use yarn and a paper plate to weave an Itsy Bitsy Spider web.


Cookie and Candy Activities

If your children/students are like mine, their eyes light up when presented with the occasional sweet treat.  Why not use that excitement to teach a variety of subjects and concepts?  "A Sweet Thematic Unit" uses cookies, candy, and ice cream to teach Math, Language Arts, and Science/Social Studies.  Art activities are provided also.  Before you panic with the thought of your kiddos being on a sugar rush all day, most of the activities are printables and do not involve consuming the sweet treats.

Wrapped Candy

 Colorful Skittles
 Placing letter cookies in alphabetical order on a cookie sheet




Fun Winter Activities

The cold weather is a great introduction for winter related topics, such as snow and mittens.  By creating winter portraits, making large cotton ball snowmen, and matching lowercase scarves to uppercase snowmen, etc., winter can be fun for the kids indoors and outdoors. 

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